Cilantro Starter Kit Guide

Growing guides

Congratulations on your Cilantro Starter Kit! 

Cilantro is a quick growing annual that will be ready to harvest in as little as three weeks. Known for its unique flavor, cilantro is used in recipes from various cultures worldwide.    

Whether you need one plant at a time or want to grow a whole garden of cilantro,  this growing kit has everything you need to get started.

diagram of pieces included in cilantro garden kit

Growing Cilantro from Seed: Cilantro Starter Kit

How to instructions for garden kit
  • Start by following the instructions for hydrating the soil discs. Once the soil is expanded and in pots, you are ready to start planting. 
  • Sprinkle the cilantro seeds on top of the soil and cover with 1/4 to 1/2 inch of soil.

Knowing how and when to water is vital:

  • Water by misting until the seeds start to sprout. 
  • Take care that the seeds don’t dry out too quickly – seeds need to stay moist but not waterlogged to sprout. 
  • Once the seedlings are growing, less frequent but more deep watering will encourage root growth.
  • The pot should not dry out completely between waterings, just the top layer of soil.

Now that you’ve got the watering down, you’ll want to consider the other thing plants need – food. The soil that comes in your kit has added amendments that create a fertile growing environment. 

If you transplant to a garden or larger pots, you may need to add fertilizer. Herbs, like cilantro, don’t need a lot of fertilizer, but they do benefit from nitrogen for leaf growth. Adding organic matter (compost and/or leaves) to your garden beds before transplanting can help supplement the additional nutrients your plants need as they grow.  

The included pots can easily be planted directly into the garden if you’d like to grow outdoors instead. When soil and outside temperatures are above 60ºF, follow the directions on transplanting the biodegradable pots.

Growing Cilantro Indoors

If you would prefer to grow your cilantro indoors so that you can easily access it, here’s some extra pieces of info you might find helpful.

  • Place the pots on trays or saucers to protect surfaces. 
  • To increase indoor humidity in the winter months, place the pots on a tray of pebbles with water. 
  • You’ll need a sunny window location – a south or southwest-facing window will usually give the 6 to 8 hours of daily sunlight needed for herbs to grow. If you don’t have enough sunlight, you can use grow lights or cool fluorescent lights placed 6-15 inches away from your plants. And remember to rotate your plants occasionally so they get even exposure.
  • A pair of sharp kitchen shears is a helpful tool for herb harvesting and pruning. 
  • Our Planter’s Library has more information on Growing Herbs Indoors

Cilantro Tips and Tricks

  1. Thin out your seedlings early on once they have sprouted. Remove some sprouts to make room for the largest and strongest of them to grow without competition. 

  2. When transplanting cilantro, be careful not to disturb the roots. The cilantro plant will have one main tap root that will grow deep and doesn’t do well with transplanting. The included biodegradable pot allows for easy planting with minimal root disturbance.

  3. Prune or harvest your cilantro frequently to allow for a more productive, bushier plant. 

  4. Pluck the flowers when you notice them to prevent bolting. 

  5. If cilantro goes to seed, the seeds are edible. They are referred to as coriander in recipes.

  6. For more Cilantro Growing Tips, visit our Planter’s Library

Have more growing questions? At Sow Right Seeds, we love gardening and want your experience to be successful. Explore our Planter’s Library for more gardening tips, and check out our selection of herb, flower, and vegetable varieties to see what you’d like to grow next!

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