
Texas Charitable Organizations

Charitable Organizations in Texas to connect with and donate fresh garden produce and saved seeds:

Cypress, TX

Cy Fair Helping Hands Community Garden - grows fresh produce to be distributed at the CFHH Food Pantry. In 2020, they provided over 2000 pounds of fresh produce to the Food Pantry from their full 2 season garden, growing nutritious fruits, herbs and vegetables.

Goliad, TX

Goliad FFA/Agriculture Education - Students have the ability to utilize the on campus greenhouse and garden beds that are at the ag facility. The on campus greenhouse is used to start all plants and then students transplant into outdoor garden beds. Student care for all garden needs from watering, weeding, and harvesting.The produce is harvested and donated to teachers, students or to the local food outreach center.

Houston, TX

Bread of Lifebegan by serving hot meals to Houston's homeless, quickly expanding to offer a broad range of services and support. Their mission is to change the lives of those living in the Houston community by providing food and shelter for those who are desperately in need.

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