- all vegetables
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- artichoke
- arugula
- asparagus
- beans
- beets
- bok choy
- broccoli
- brussels sprouts
- bulk vegetables
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- carrots
- cauliflower
- celery
- chard
- collards
- cool-season crops
- corn
- cress
- cucamelon
- cucumbers
- eggplants
- gourds
- greens
- ground cherries
- hydroponic seed collection
- kale
- kohlrabi
- leek
- lettuce
- melons
- mustard greens
- okra
- onions
- parsnip
- peas
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- pumpkins
- purslane
- radicchio
- radishes
- rhubarb
- rutabaga
- shop new heirloom seeds for your 2025 garden
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- squash
- tat soi
- tomatillo
- tomatoes
- tomatoes
- turnip
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- zucchini
- all flowers
- all herbs
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- borage
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- chamomile
- chervil
- chicory
- chives
- cilantro
- container friendly
- cool-season crops
- culinary herbs
- dill
- echinacea
- fennel
- feverfew
- herb collections
- hydroponic seed collection
- hyssop
- lamb's ear
- lavender
- lemon grass
- lovage
- marjoram
- medicinal herbs
- mint
- mugwort
- oregano
- parsley
- perennial herbs
- perennials
- pet friendly
- rosemary
- sage
- shop new heirloom seeds for your 2025 garden
- sorrel
- st johns wort
- summer savory
- tarragon
- thyme
- valerian
- wormwood
- yarrow
- all flowers
- all herbs
- alyssum
- amaranth
- annuals
- aster
- baby blue eyes
- baby's breath
- balsam
- bellflower
- bells of ireland
- bergamot
- black eyed susan
- blanket flower
- bulk flowers
- calendula
- carnation
- coleus
- columbine
- container friendly
- cool-season crops
- coreopsis
- cornflower
- cosmos
- creeping thyme
- dahlia
- daisies
- dianthus
- echinacea
- flax
- flower collections
- forget-me-not
- four o'clock
- gayfeather
- hollyhocks
- hyssop
- iceplant
- iris
- lavender
- lupine
- mallow
- marigolds
- medicinal herbs
- milkweed
- mint
- money plant
- moonflower
- morning glories
- nasturtium
- pansy
- passion flower
- perennial herbs
- perennials
- periwinkle
- pet friendly
- petunias
- phlox
- pollinator flowers
- poppies
- primrose
- sage
- sensitive plant
- shade tolerant
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- snapdragon
- stock
- strawflower
- sunflowers
- sweet pea
- sweet sultan
- sweet william
- verbena
- violet
- wildflowers
- yarrow
- zinnias
- all microgreens
- arugula
- basil
- broccoli
- buckwheat
- cabbage
- cilantro
- cress
- crunchy microgreens
- fenugreek
- kale
- microgreens collections
- mild microgreens
- radish
- spicy microgreens
- sunflower
All Varieties
- all vegetables
- alpine strawberry
- artichoke
- arugula
- asparagus
- beans
- beets
- bok choy
- broccoli
- brussels sprouts
- bulk vegetables
- cabbage
- carrots
- cauliflower
- celery
- chard
- collards
- cool-season crops
- corn
- cress
- cucamelon
- cucumbers
- eggplants
- gourds
- greens
- ground cherries
- hydroponic seed collection
- kale
- kohlrabi
- leek
- lettuce
- melons
- mustard greens
- okra
- onions
- parsnip
- peas
- peppers
- pumpkins
- purslane
- radicchio
- radishes
- rhubarb
- rutabaga
- shop new heirloom seeds for your 2025 garden
- spinach
- squash
- tat soi
- tomatillo
- tomatoes
- tomatoes
- turnip
- vegetable collections
- warm-season summer crops
- watermelon
- zucchini
- all flowers
- all herbs
- anise
- annuals
- basil
- bergamot
- borage
- bulk herbs
- calendula
- chamomile
- chervil
- chicory
- chives
- cilantro
- container friendly
- cool-season crops
- culinary herbs
- dill
- echinacea
- fennel
- feverfew
- herb collections
- hydroponic seed collection
- hyssop
- lamb's ear
- lavender
- lemon grass
- lovage
- marjoram
- medicinal herbs
- mint
- mugwort
- oregano
- parsley
- perennial herbs
- perennials
- pet friendly
- rosemary
- sage
- shop new heirloom seeds for your 2025 garden
- sorrel
- st johns wort
- summer savory
- tarragon
- thyme
- valerian
- wormwood
- yarrow
- all flowers
- all herbs
- alyssum
- amaranth
- annuals
- aster
- baby blue eyes
- baby's breath
- balsam
- bellflower
- bells of ireland
- bergamot
- black eyed susan
- blanket flower
- bulk flowers
- calendula
- carnation
- coleus
- columbine
- container friendly
- cool-season crops
- coreopsis
- cornflower
- cosmos
- creeping thyme
- dahlia
- daisies
- dianthus
- echinacea
- flax
- flower collections
- forget-me-not
- four o'clock
- gayfeather
- hollyhocks
- hyssop
- iceplant
- iris
- lavender
- lupine
- mallow
- marigolds
- medicinal herbs
- milkweed
- mint
- money plant
- moonflower
- morning glories
- nasturtium
- pansy
- passion flower
- perennial herbs
- perennials
- periwinkle
- pet friendly
- petunias
- phlox
- pollinator flowers
- poppies
- primrose
- sage
- sensitive plant
- shade tolerant
- shop new heirloom seeds for your 2025 garden
- snapdragon
- stock
- strawflower
- sunflowers
- sweet pea
- sweet sultan
- sweet william
- verbena
- violet
- wildflowers
- yarrow
- zinnias
- all microgreens
- arugula
- basil
- broccoli
- buckwheat
- cabbage
- cilantro
- cress
- crunchy microgreens
- fenugreek
- kale
- microgreens collections
- mild microgreens
- radish
- spicy microgreens
- sunflower
Growing Sage in your herb garden can be easy with high quality, non-GMO seeds. All of our garden seeds are heirloom varieties - White Sage and common Sage for planting.
Plant your own sage, or try one of our collections that offers a variety pack for a great gardening gift. Common broadleaf sage is a perennial, self seeding herb that boasts greyish leaves and a lovely flavor, while White Sage is an endangered and rare plant species historically used in Native American culture for smudging.
What to do with sage? Use it as a tasty seasoning for your favorite dishes or to add to your home remedies for its medicinal benefits.
Learn how and when to sow with the best large premium seed packets that include helpful instructions. Indoors or outdoors.