Yellow, White, Red, or Leeks? Choosing the Best Onion Variety to Grow
OnionsAn onion is an onion, right? Not quite. At Sow Right Seeds, we offer a variety of onion seeds because there is more than just one kind of onion. Each type of onion has its own flavor and is used for different purposes.
We’ll explain the best onion varieties to grow from seed so you’ll know which onions to plant in your garden this year.

Onions Varieties to Plant
Onions are the building block of so many delicious recipes! On every continent, you will find onions in a trio of vegetables that are used as the base in many savory dishes. These trios are referred to as soffritto in Italian cooking, mirepoix in French cuisine, and The Holy Trinity in other specialties. Without an onion, everything is out of balance, and your meals won’t have that exceptional flavor combination.
When choosing which variety of onions to grow in your garden, first decide what your end goal is. Do you want onions to pickle? Richly flavored caramelized onions? Or tangy raw onions for salsa? Or do you want mild leeks for soups?
Next, you'll need to understand the difference between long-day and short-day onions to know which onion variety is best for your growing zone.
Long-day vs Short-day refers to how much sunlight onions need to form a bulb. Long-day onions need 14 to 16 hours of sunlight to form a big bulb. Short-day onions will form bulbs with 9 to 10 hours of sunlight.
In climates with mild winters, short-day onions can be planted in the fall when the days are short and harvested in spring.
Best Red Onion Variety
Red Creole onions (Allium cepa) are a short-day variety. They have a firm red bulb with a spicy flavor. These are the onions to grow if you want to make pickled red onions. They are also delicious in salads, burgers, and sandwiches.
Like yellow onions, they form big bulbs that can be stored longer term if they are kept dry and cool.
Use Red Creole onions with fresh Roma Tomatoes and Genovese Basil for bruschetta.
They are also a colorful and flavorful addition to grilled kabobs.
For a long-day variety, try our heirloom Ruby Red.
Best Yellow Onion Variety

If you could only choose one onion for your garden, our Yellow Sweet Spanish Onion (Allium cepa) is the one.
Yellow onions are the pillar of the all-important trio for so many cultures. This is the onion to put on the cutting board when the recipe calls for diced onion.
The Yellow Sweet Spanish onion is a long-day variety that grows large sweet yellow onions that can be 1 to 3 pounds each.
For a short-day yellow variety, try our Texas Early Grano Onions.
Yellow Sweet Spanish onions are the perfect choice for carmelizing onions. Their flavor is transformed in the slow and long cooking process. Carmelized onions can be added to French onion soup, burgers, and dips.
Best White Onion Variety
These white onions are short-day onions. Crystal White Wax onions are smaller and have a milder flavor. White onions are perfect for dicing into salsa and dips, where their raw flavor is appreciated.
This onion can be used in our Garden Fresh Salsa Recipe.
If you are looking for a white long-day onion, try our Ringmaster variety.
Best Bunching Onion Variety

What is a bunching onion?
Bunching onions are a variety of onion that is grown for green onions or scallions. We offer Heshiko Japanese Bunching Onion (Allium fistulosum). This variety doesn’t form a bulb and grows as a clump.
You can succession plant bunching onions to have a continuous crop of green onions all summer.
Bunching onions are also a great choice if you want to grow onions in pots or even indoors.
Use bunching onions raw in dips, salads, and sandwiches. They are also delicious added on top of casseroles and stir-fries.
Like green onions, leeks don’t grow a bulb. And like other onions, they play an important part in flavoring.
Leeks can be used in a bouquet garni - a bundle of herbs used to flavor soups and sauces. They have a delicate onion flavor and can be used fresh.
Like bulb onions, leeks have layers. The layers of green leaves turn to white at the roots. Usually, just the white and very lightest green parts are used in recipes calling for leeks. However, the tops can be used to season broths and stews and are removed before serving.
These giant leeks are delicious when gently steamed and sauteed. They can be part of a main dish or a side dish with chicken or fish.
“It’s hard to imagine civilization without onions.”
Onion FAQs
Are Onions Good For You?
Let’s cover this one right away. Besides adding a lot of flavor to your food, onions have some important health benefits.
Onions are a good source of chromium and vitamin C. They also have fiber.
Onion consumption has been shown to lower cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and high blood pressure. Onions are also known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Which makes them great to use in soups for a cold or flu.
Are Leeks Onions?
Leeks are a member of the onion family. Their flavor is milder, and they don't form bulbs. But they are considered an onion.
Leeks vs Green Onions
They look a lot like green onions, but leeks have a much milder flavor. Leeks are also much bigger with a different texture than green onions. Leeks are generally cooked in a recipe where green onions are added at the end of cooking or included as a garnish for color and flavor.
What are Spring Onions?
Spring onions are bulb onions that have been harvested before they develop a full-size bulb. They generally have a milder, sweeter flavor than their mature versions.
Scallions vs Green Onions
Green onions and scallions are the same things with different names. So if you want to have a fresh supply of scallions or green onions, our Japanese bunching onions will be the ones to add to your garden.
Can you grow onions from seed?
Yes! Onions can be grown from seed and the seeds can be saved. So growing your own onions can be a great option.
What about chives?
Chives have that oniony flavor but are grown as herbs. They sometimes get confused with green onions. You can read more about the difference between green onions and chives.
How are onions grown?
Onions are considered a root vegetable and they grow underground except for the green leaves.
A well-balanced and truly flavorful garden should have a few onions. We hope this overview helps you decide which variety of onions to plant in your garden this year.
Onion seeds can be direct sown outdoors or started indoors. Starting indoors can extend your growing season. Make sure you choose the right daylight variety for your location.
Can onion seeds be started indoors & transplanted or do they need to be direct planted in the garden?
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