Grow different varieties of fall pumpkin squash


10 products
    10 products
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    from $3.49
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    Bulk Pumpkin Mix 1 Ounce

    Growing Pumpkins in your vegetable garden can be easy with high quality, non-GMO seeds. All of our garden seeds are heirloom varieties - Jarrahdale, Small Sugar, Big Max, and more varieties of pumpkin for planting. 

    Pumpkins are easy, productive and fast growing with large green leaves. They come in all shapes, sizes and colors to choose from. Pumpkins make great fall displays and autumn decor, as well as tasty pies, breads, cookies and savory dishes. 

    When growing pumpkin plants, consider their spreading habit to allow enough space for good growth. Sprouting seeds indoors can provide earlier fruiting. Seeds can also be direct sown after all danger of frost has passed.  You can grow these plants vertically with a trellis in containers, 5 gallon buckets, kiddie pools, grow bags, or virtually anything else that will hold soil and your trellis. 

    Learn how and when to sow with the best large premium seed packets that include helpful instructions. Indoors (needs light) or outdoors. Try one of our collections that offers a variety pack for a great gardening gift.

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