Grow Lavender and 4 More Most Popular Teas - Herbal Tea Heirloom Garden Kit
Growing guidesEnjoy a freshly steeped cup of tea any time of year. With the Heirloom Tea Garden Kit, you now have a delicious variety of the most popular herbal teas.
Herbal tea can soothe a sore tooth, an upset stomach, or a sad soul. A warm cup can give a brief break from the winter's cold and create an environment for cozy conversation.
Herbal Tea Growing Kit Guide

Starting seeds for tea garden:
- Start by following the instructions for hydrating the soil discs. Once the soil is expanded and in pots, you are ready to start planting.
- Plant the seeds according to the instructions for each specific seed packet.
Knowing how and when to water is vital:
- Water by misting until the seeds start to sprout.
- Take care that the seeds don't dry out too quickly - seeds need to stay moist but not waterlogged to sprout.
- Once the seedlings are growing, less frequent but more deep watering will encourage root growth.
- The pot should not dry out completely between waterings, just the top layer of soil. If the pot is dry deeper than the top 1 inch, then it's time to water.
Now that you've got the watering down, you'll want to consider the other thing that plants need - food. The soil that comes in your kit has the added amendments that create a fertile growing environment. If you transplant to a garden or larger pots, you may need to add fertilizer. Herbs don't need a lot of fertilizer, but they do benefit from nitrogen for leaf growth. Adding organic matter (compost and/or leaves) to your garden beds before transplanting can help supplement the additional nutrients that your plant will need as it grows.
The included pots can easily be planted directly into the garden if you'd like to grow outdoors instead. When soil and outside temperatures exceed 60ºF, follow the directions on transplanting the biodegradable pots.
If you would prefer to keep your herbs indoors for easy access, here's some extra pieces of info you might find helpful.
- Place the pots on trays or saucers to protect surfaces.
- To increase indoor humidity in the winter months, place the pots on a tray of pebbles with water.
- Herbs need lots of sunshine to flourish. Place pots in a sunny location. A south or south-west facing window that provides 6-8 hours of sun is needed.
- A pair of sharp kitchen shears is a helpful tool for herb harvesting and pruning.
Pinching back and harvesting will keep the plants bushier and encourage new growth.
Herbs can be harvested anytime during the growing season. Harvest herbs in the morning after any dew has evaporated and before the plant oils dry from the heat. Rinse the flowers and leaves to prepare them for making tea or drying.
- Lemon Balm and Mint teas are made from the leaves. Strip leaves from the stems to harvest.
- Chamomile, Echinacea, and Lavender teas are made from the flowers. Snip the flowers off just behind the blossom. Teas can be made from fresh flowers or dried.
Making Herbal Tea
The basic method of how to make herbal tea is to place fresh leaves or flowers in a cup and pour boiling water over the herbs.
In general, the herbs will need to steep for 5 to 7 minutes. Some herbs can turn bitter, so start with 5 minutes and taste. To increase the flavor, use more herbs. Start with about 2 tablespoons of herbs.
Herbal teas can also be made with dried flowers and leaves
To dry herbs for tea:
- Spread out the leaves or flowers to have good air circulation.
- Keep away from direct light.
- They are sufficiently dry when they crush easily.
- Once herbs have dried, store them in airtight glass containers away from sunlight.
- Shelf life is about 12 to 18 months.
Have more growing questions? At Sow Right Seeds, we love gardening, and we want your experience to be successful. Explore our Planter's Library for more growing tips, and check out all of our herb, flower, and vegetable varieties to see what you'd like to grow next!
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