8 Easy Flowers to Grow from Seed in 2024

Flower farming

If a garden full of colorful flowers is your summer dream, take a look at these 8 easy flowers to grow from seed.

white red yellow flowers in field

Easy Flowers to Grow From Seed

Creating a beautiful, flowering landscape doesn't have to take a lot of time and effort or break the bank. 


We've updated our list to share the easiest flowers to grow from seed so you can start enjoying their beautiful blooms.


You'll also save hundreds of dollars growing your own flowers from seed. And another benefit of heirloom flowers is you can save seeds to plant next year!


Start growing flowers from seed with these 8 heirloom varieties.


Zinnias top our list of the easiest flowers to grow. They germinate quickly and can be started indoors or sown directly outside.


Zinnias seem determined to bloom no matter what, and the more you cut them, the more they grow.

Zinnias come in a variety of bright colors and even Polar Bear white. The blooms on the California Giants can be 5 inches wide.  

Growing a mix of bright-colored Zinnias is a visual joy and will attract local pollinators. With different varieties and colors to choose from, you can have a field of mixed colors or planned sections of all the same color.

Zinnias are one of the most rewarding flowers to grow. Enjoy a whole garden of zinnias all summer long. 


Yellow sunflowers are always a welcoming sight. But sunflowers don’t just come in yellow. You can plant heirloom sunflowers in a range of colors, from lemon yellow  to dark chocolate cherry. In addition, sunflowers come in various shapes, from the fluffy Dwarf Sungold to the seed-filled Mammoth Sunflower. There’s also a variety of sizes from 5 to 12 feet tall. 


Bees, butterflies, and birds all love sunflowers! Plant a few extras to share the seeds with the birds. 


Sunflowers can be used in all kinds of landscape designs. They are also beautiful in cut flower arrangements. 


Explore all the varieties of heirloom sunflowers you can grow in your own backyard.


Cosmos are annual flowers that come in shades of pink and white. They happily grow in full sun and bloom all summer and fall. 


Most cosmos have a daisy-like shape, but the Sea Shell variety has a curved petal. The fern-like foliage grows from 3 to 5 feet high. Bees and butterflies will be happy to flit from flower to flower as they gently blow in the breeze. 


These flowers work in a tall border design as well as a wildflower garden. Cut them off for bouquets, and they will regrow. Cosmos will also reseed for another year of blooms.


Daisies are easy flowers to grow from seed. They can be started indoors or directly sown outside in the spring. 


These low-maintenance flowers are perfect for wildflower and cottage gardens and will continue to bloom from early summer to late fall.


They attract beneficial insects to your garden, and some varieties make excellent cut flowers. Try growing a variety of colorful daisies. 


Calendula is both a beautiful annual flower and a medicinal herb. 


Heirloom calendula varieties mature quickly and produce continuous blooms, making them popular in flower gardens. 


Calendula blooms range in color from yellow to orange and have been used for centuries to dye fabrics, foods, and cosmetics. 


Healthy calendula plants have more blooms than foliage. You can keep picking the flowers, and they’ll keep growing more. Calendula will even bloom and grow through the winter in temperate regions.


Another easy flower to grow from seed is marigolds. These reliable bloomers thrive in hot summers. Marigolds come up quickly and grow fast for blooms until the first frost. Be sure to deadhead the spent flowers to keep them blooming. Then, you can leave marigolds in the garden during winter to let them self-seed for another round of flowers next year.


Marigolds are also beneficial companion plants in vegetable gardens. The scent deters squash bugs and cucumber beetles. Even deer and rabbits tend to leave them alone. 


Starting marigold seeds indoors is easy. Try planting marigolds in cups for a fun activity to get children excited about growing flowers. 


Our nasturtium collection will produce a nice mix of foliage with elegant red, yellow, orange, and gold blossoms. Not only are nasturtiums easy to grow, they are also edible. Both the leaves and flowers have a peppery zest that can be added raw to salads and other dishes.


Nasturtium look beautiful in manicured landscape beds and are also right at home in a laid-back cottage garden. They even work hard as companion plants and deter pests such as the cabbage looper.

Enjoy nasturtium outside in the garden and indoors as a cut flower.

Sweet Alyssum

If you’re looking for a carpet of flowers, look at Sweet Alyssum. The sweetly fragrant flowers make a delicate edging along borders. Perfect for smelling as you walk by. 


Sweet Alyssum seeds germinate in only 5 to 14 days. They grow 4 to 6 inches tall with either white or purple flowers. 


Start Sweet alyssum seeds indoors for early blooms. Sweet alyssum can grow in part-shade, so they can be planted to fill in spaces between other flowers.

Sunflowers and cosmos in field

Filling your landscape with blooming flowers is not only beautiful to look at, but it contributes to a healthier environment. Flowers provide food and enrich the natural habitat for butterflies, bees, and other beneficial pollinators. 


It’s easy to grow flowers from seed; these 8 varieties are just the beginning. When you grow heirloom flowers from seed, you won’t have to wait for transplants to show up in your garden store. Plus, you’ll have the added benefit of being able to save your favorite seeds for more flowers next year. 

Plant some heirloom flowers this year and do something good for your soul and our natural environment.


  • Beverly

    That’s a great question, Terrie. Those Oklahoma winds can be brutal! Some flowers to consider are Coneflowers, Zinnias, Shasta Daisy, Black-Eyed Susan, and Calendula. Our Midwest Wildflower Mix has these and more. Also, flowers planted close together will help hold each other up.

  • Terrie Nugent

    I live Oklahoma and the wind is so strong. Anything tall doesn’t do well and I like the tall flowers what can I plant ?

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