Pea Microgreens: Crisp Spring Freshness All Year

Microgreen growing tips

You can enjoy the fresh spring garden flavor and crunchy texture of pea shoots anytime. Pea microgreens are easy to grow indoors. With their bright green leaves and shoots, pea microgreens make a beautiful presentation and increase the nutrition of any dish.

mature green pea microgreens

How to Grow Pea Microgreens

There are three simple steps to growing pea microgreens. Soak the seeds. Keep them dark for three to five days. Expose them to direct light to continue growing.

  • Soak pea seeds in a bowl of water for 12-24 hours
  • Spread the seeds onto a damp growing medium. 
  • Cover the seeds and keep them away from light for 3 - 5 days
  • This is the blackout period referred to on the seed packet. 
  • Keep the seeds moist by misting them with water from a spray bottle. 
  • Maintain an average room temperature. 
  • Check daily and mist as needed to keep them moist. 
  • Once the pea seeds have sprouted, remove the cover and expose the seedlings to direct light.
  • The light during this growth period is vital for pea microgreens. During photosynthesis, the green color develops and increases the amount of nutrients in the microgreens. 
  • Continue keeping the seeds moist until they’re ready to harvest.
pea microgreens starting to sprout
Peas during the blackout period.

When and How to Harvest Pea Microgreens

In 8-12 days, when seedlings are about 2 inches tall, they will be ready to harvest. The seed leaves (cotyledons) will be fully grown, and the first set of true leaves will be growing. 

You can also let the peas grow for a few more days and have pea shoots. They will have tendrils starting to grow, and they will have a slightly different texture and flavor. 

This is another benefit of growing your own microgreens, you can choose when to harvest depending on your preferences. 

Use scissors to cut the greens just above the soil. 

Then rinse in cool water if needed. 

Use microgreens immediately or place them in the fridge and consume them within a few days.

pea microgreens growing

Ways to Enjoy Your Fresh Pea Microgreens

Pea microgreens are a fun garnish that adds a fresh spring flavor.

Enjoy a satisfying crunch and sweet flavor, whether you harvest them as microgreens or as tendrils.

Use pea shoots in place of lettuce in tacos and sandwiches.

Sprinkle pea shoots on top of a bowl of soup, add them to salads, stir them into grain bowls, and cook them up with stir-fries.

There are so many ways to enjoy healthy pea microgreens that you may want to start a new tray every week to always have a fresh supply.

pea microgreens in cup

What are the nutritional benefits of Pea Microgreens?

Just like their mature version, pea microgreens have a sweet flavor. In their small leaves, they have high concentrations of vitamins C, K, and A, folate, and even protein.

Pea microgreens are packed full of nutrition. They're incredibly easy and quick to grow which makes them an ideal vegetable to add to your indoor gardening. 

Get a packet of pea microgreen seeds or a complete growing kit so you can enjoy the benefits of incredibly fresh-tasting pea shoots.

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