11 Unique Vegetables to Grow From Heirloom Non-GMO Seeds
Purple carrots and blue pumpkins? Has your garden gone crazy? Are your eyes playing tricks on you?
Nope. Turns out, purple carrots are natural, and so are blue pumpkins and yellow watermelons. These heirloom varieties have been enjoyed for generations.
If you’re looking for unique heirloom seeds to add to your garden plan, we have some delicious varieties.

You’ll be happy to know that unusual vegetables are perfectly natural and healthy. There are no GMOs here. Just nature having fun. So try some old but new-to-you varieties and rediscover how fun growing your own vegetables can be.
11 Unique, Unusual, and Fun Heirloom Vegetables to Grow from Seed
If you’re wondering where to buy such unique vegetables, you’ve found the best place to shop. Sow Right Seeds offers non-GMO heirloom seeds to grow interesting varieties of vegetables.
Purple Carrots
Purple carrots, anyone? Where do purple carrots come from? It turns out they’ve been around longer than orange carrots. And purple carrots are just as healthy and delicious. And there’s not just purple and orange. Our rainbow mix of carrot seeds includes Cosmic Purple, Lunar White, Solar Yellow, Atomic Red, and Bambino. Discover the fun of growing a range of carrot colors.
Rainbow Mix Carrots
Blue Pumpkins
What about those blue pumpkins? It turns out these heirlooms have been around for a long time. Try growing Jarrahdale pumpkins for a delicious treat and ornamental. These heirloom blue pumpkins have sweet orange flesh that can be used in your favorite recipes. The beautiful blue color can be used for fall decor. Heirloom pumpkins come in a wide variety of colors, textures, and sizes! Here's a secret, those funny-looking heirloom pumpkins are sweeter with a better texture for pies, particularly the ones with warts-aka sugar clusters!
Jarrahdale Pumpkin
Round Cucumbers
These aren’t mishappened cucumbers. Round lemon cucumbers are perfectly shaped. They don't taste like a lemon at all; they are crisp and delicious. If you’re looking for other unique cucumbers, take a look at Serpent cucumbers. There are several different heirloom cucumbers that will take you beyond the standard market varieties.
Lemon Cucumber
Yellow Tomatoes
Are orange and yellow tomatoes even ripe? Try yellow and orange heirloom tomatoes if you want a delicious tomato with lower acidity. Jubilee tomatoes are an heirloom favorite, along with Kellogg's breakfast and Yellow Pear. Tomatoes can also be dark, almost black.
Yellow Pear Tomato
Purple Beans
Who says green beans have to be green? Beans that were green came later than golden-colored ones. Get out of your green bean rut and try some Golden Wax and Royal Burgundy bean. These yellow and purple beans will expand your color palette.
Royal Burgundy Beans
Fractal Broccoli
The fractal formation of Romanesco broccoli may remind you of a computer-generated picture. But this delicious vegetable was developed by nature and looks so fun in the garden. Its mild, nutty flavor makes it popular on the plate too.
Romanesco Broccoli
Yellow Watermelon
Yellow watermelons, not red, were the first to be cultivated. Yellow watermelons have a sweet, honey-like flavor. Yellow Crimson watermelon looks just like red fleshed melons but will surprise your family and friends when you cut it open.
Yellow Crimson Watermelon
White Eggplant
White eggplant is the original version. Why else would it have the name “egg” plant? White varieties, like this Casper eggplant, are known for lacking the bitterness of other colorful varieties. Casper eggplant has a mushroom-like, umami flavor.
Casper Eggplant
Inside-out Radish
You expect a radish to have red skin and white flesh. But what if you turn it inside out? The watermelon radish is white on the outside and pink inside.
Watermelon Radish
Blue Corn
Blue corn is not a lab experiment! Blue Hopi Corn has been grown for centuries. The gorgeous blue-black ears with reddish-purple tassels will stand out in your summer garden! Young ears can be eaten fresh, but flour made from mature Blue Hopi ears creates delicious blue corn tortillas, chips, and cornbread. You can also use the unique blue corn on the cob as a fall decoration!
Blue Hopi Corn
Purple Peppers
Sweet peppers aren’t all green. Purple peppers are sweeter than regular green peppers. And have you tasted a chocolate pepper? The different colors of sweet peppers each have a different flavor. They are all sweet and crisp and easy to grow. You can read more about the different pepper colors and how to grow them in our Planter's Library.
Purple Beauty Pepper
Our collection of exotic vegetables gives you some tasty varieties that you won’t find in the grocery store. When you grow these unique heirloom vegetables, you’ll know you’re eating some traditional varieties that haven’t been genetically engineered in a lab. These rare and interesting seeds are grown the way nature intended. It’s time to delight you and your neighbors and grow these incredible heirlooms in your garden.
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I bought some big dark orange-red carrots at an Asian market here in Montreal, super-sweet, the juice of which was unlike any I’ve tasted. I searched for the name of this variety, but not sure…Kyoto Red from Japan, etc….can you ID? Thanks, Pierre
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